Thursday 15th February – website goes live

Neil and I met at the start of the new year to review content on the website, checking for factual inaccuracies on the timeline and database.  Today, having made a few final adjustments and added a couple of new images that have since become available, I have removed the ‘password protected’ restrictions on the web pages so our project website is now live to the public!  Looking back over it after a short period away, the ambition of the project and the quality of the children’s work is deeply impressive.  I hope you agree.  If you want to get in touch then please contact us through social media or by clicking the ‘Get in Touch’ tab on the homepage.  There will be a formal event to mark the end of the project in April.  Please stay tuned for details.

The images below show the portable exhibition materials in place in the school foyer.  The image on the right also shows the framed ‘casualty map’ which now hangs in the foyer.